The 5 types of physical attraction women can find Towards A Man


Now more than ever, when it comes to heterosexual intimate Encounters men have the power. Superficial and shallow objectification of women and sex is not at all reflect our innate feminine ideals of connection, meaning, depth and attitude.

Porn and sexualisation of women in the media release the repeated message that it be well with the opposite sex depends heavily on facial features and your ‘assets’ physical and how good you are in making the other person climax.

It’s hard to ignore this message when you create the grid. But it is important for your heart, mind, body and soul to you to make decisions that are consistent with your ‘feelings’ that woman.

The only reason they have power is because women are relinquishing them. We are happy objectifying us.

Women int their 20s are particularly vulnerable to peer pressure from humans. Although the underbelly of such events as Rainbow parties and such, it is clear that young women are not only goals, teenage girls are also falling victim to sexual urges young men and whims.

But this article is not just about feral manner in which young men rub their genitals against women ‘hook up’ party or the arrogance and lack of morality of those who make use of inebriated women by forcing them to get down on their hands and knees for example. it is also about being true to yourself when choosing a partner with a view to being a long-term

I believe there are two levels of attraction

– Let’s start with one end. spectrum – no attraction. For whatever reason, his gait, face, body or how he speaks – you do not like the guy

-. Friendship connection. Sometimes guy good to talk to, you want it, but you do not feel any pull whatsoever

-. Then there is the medium of attraction. it is a bit of a tear, but it has not enough of a wow factor, can not get this guy out of my head portion

-. Strong physical attraction. Sometimes lust is to do all the talking but it’s all the talking. If you really think about this, you know that if you continue you will soon end up friends with this guy

-. Fireworks. You can not get this guy out of your mind and you want to be with him forever and ever.

No matter what the guy tells you to convince you to stay with him no matter how he dresses up the idea of ​​casual concert – do not go there. Do not feel pressure to have “fun” or be “friends” with men. They are marking words that people came up with to make it sound like women should be cool with casual relationship. Women are emotional, feeling beings based – it’s not cool and it’s not fun! We find the most sexual satisfaction and happiness when it is sincere connection to man.

Hang the man to bring that rocks the world and then take your time. If you want the relationship to last the test of time then be true to yourself. Finally, regardless of how frustrating encounters with humans are or how long the process is to find a goalkeeper takes, do not stop to remind you that you should only the best!


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