The importance of physical attraction and how women kill her


There are many theories circulating about the causes of attraction. I touched on this in my book ‘All My Single Ladies. “This article is not about the causes of attraction but its importance and how it works for men and women alike.

I’m not going to write an article suggesting that there is some secret that women do not know about men when it is that it is exactly that makes a person ‘feels’ for a woman, because it would be false advertising. the truth is that there is a common set of attraction laws that apply to both genders.

physical attraction is prerequisite for any relationship. We are breaking beings and without it for a long time that we will not see the person we are with, as in anything more than a platonic friend. it is either from the beginning or it is not there at all. Physical attraction is not a creeping vine, it is something that we file or we do not.

Another principal law when it comes to the attraction is what we chase will retract itself from us and what lies from us will do want to pursue it further.

Crazy stuff hey?

Not only that, but they love the fight. Men revel in victories and ravishing girl. It is their “natural” role of being trapped – so let them do it. One can sense when a woman is ‘in’ him so let him decide if he wants to chase you.

I’m going to run through some common ways that women stuff the potential of who they are interested in.

1. Persuasion

A woman will often try to convince the person or convince him to stay with her. She does this mainly by sharing her feelings to him with him and express how much she wants him to be with him in the hope that it will stir up the same feelings in him to it. While men also do this, do not get me wrong, my team is the one that is practiced has the most power, because the decision rests in their hands. So by convincing person, not only the woman relinquishes her power to him, she is also chasing a man who makes it shrinks even more. Essentially, persuasion has not only the opposite effect build attraction -. It negates the fact that

2. Service work

A woman will often offer to do things for a person to show him how much she thinks of him. This could be buying him gifts or help him to do certain tasks, for example. By doing such favors, she is also hoping to reciprocal commitments. She wants him to emulate her behavior. She is a role-Mode Only how she wants him to respond. Unfortunately, by giving to man in this way, it just makes him perceive a woman as needy or clingy. He can see that she is trying too hard bribe him his affection, attraction and interest. Again, negative attraction is the result of such selfless acts of kindness and worship.

3. Casual Sex

I’ve saved the best for last. Many women ‘give it up “and continue to have sex with a person because they believe that doing so will build attraction to him. WRONG! One can have lots of casual sex with a woman and not a desire to connect or killing her in any way shape or form whatsoever. Do not confuse desire with emotional connection. If you just feel a physical attraction for you, he will disappear as soon as you ask or imply you want an exclusive relationship.

what is attractive man is a woman who is confident, knows what she wants from life and goes after it. When you show that you are a woman of value by having its own life, you do you want to be part of it.


writer by Candice Gleeson

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