Attraction Marketing Strategy


Have you ever wondered how to get people to buy products or services using an attraction marketing strategy from your blog or website? E-goods marketing strategy is what people are seeking out. Unless you are a super affiliate the chances are found this article because you need and want more information, guidance, or advice with your internet marketing strategy and e-goods product strategy.

How is an internet marketing strategy any different than any offline marketing plans? Well they’re really quite similar. Sure you want to be found by the search engines and know how to use keywords, but if thats your only internet marketing strategy you are surely headed for failure! What you need in order to be successful online is a solid e-goods product strategy. Your in luck. What you need to learn can be found right here.

Incidentally, your success is greatly improved when you first learn affiliate marketing and start to promote other peoples products on your blog or website.

The ultimate goal, although not totally necessary, is to have your own product to sell, but first you need to learn about affiliate marketing. A lot of people are content at internet marketing solely as an affiliate and there are some advantages to this. They don’t have to worry about shipping, packaging, customer service, returns, etc. Their primary goal is to presell the product, make the sale for a commission, and in turn; earn a decent income from affiliate marketing.


This is a great attraction marketing strategy that should not be overlooked. Blogs are basically online journals or groups of pages within a massive website that are updated often by its author. Search engines love blogs because they are full of new content.

When those search engine spiders visit your blog they eat up the fresh content and report it back to the “mother ship”. Authors love blogs because, well; the search engine spiders visit often because of the new content and rank them well. As long as your blog is created well focusing on keywords and keyword phrases related to your content your blog will rank highly.

Blogs give you the ability to post product reviews, announcements, articles (preferably your own), newsletters, and links to other sites or other pages within your blog. Due to the popularity of blogs it is a natural way to attract targeted visitors who are more apt to read your blog as opposed to sending the same information by means of e-mail marketing. However, don’t underestimate the power of e-mail marketing in your attraction marketing strategy. The money is in the list.

I saved the best part for last. How do you make money on a blog? There are several ways of doing this. You can run small ads in the sidebar related to your blogs theme or in the footer of your blog. You can also add text links from affiliate partners within your posts and earn an affiliate commission when the links are clicked and a purchase is made. Just be sure to let it flow naturally within the text. Blogs are without a doubt the simplest, easiest, and most cost effective way to start an internet marketing business.

E-zine Article Publishing

This is my favorite attraction marketing strategy that accomplishes two goals at once. Submitting articles to article directories should be a requirement for any internet network marketer and if you are not utilizing this free tool you better start today. So whats the big deal with article marketing. Well first of all they have a great page rank and give you inbound links. Simply adding your blog or website to the resource box could significantly improve traffic and it also raises your link popularity.

Heres how it works. Write an article that is informative, offers tips, tricks, makes peoples lives easier, solves a problem, you get the picture right? This is the give in article marketing. Give away free information that is of value. The resource box is the take. Your article will be listed in the directory under the heading of the topic that you choose.

The added bonuses are as long as the article is keyword focused it gets listed highly in the search engines. Most article directories will explain how to improve your rankings when submitting your articles and you must read this. The other bonus is webmasters can copy a code and use your article on their blogs. So not only is your article in the directory and the search results it may also be on several different blog sites. It is forbidden for webmasters to alter the code so your site gets the credit at the end of the article.

Ezine article directories do have strict guidelines so be sure to read the Terms Of Service. In general you can’t link to a lead capture page in your article or in your resource box. You can link back to your website or blog just don’t make it a lead capture page.

Offline Advertising Marketing Strategies

Marketing off line is often an overlooked attraction marketing strategy. The internet is a much more viable and cost effective means of promoting your website, blog, product, or service but it is definitely worth mentioning here. Running ads in the local newspaper, printing business cards, bumper stickers, coffee cups, tee shirts, magnets, and other gadgets are all good promotional strategies for your internet business. Of course it is more localized and requires an investment but you may be surprised by the results. Direct mail is another marketing strategy that works well and if you really want to go to town television and radio. Be careful though, offline advertising can get expensive and its hard to track your return on investment.

Social Networking And Bookmarking Sites

If you haven’t started using social networking for business as an attraction marketing strategy you are missing the boat. Social networks have become the hottest venue for improving traffic to your site or your blog. In order to be found you need to be where the people are and this is where they are. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Myspace are hot. Fair warning though, there is a right way and a wrong way to use these networks. Keep in mind that these are social networks not advertising sites so be social. Learn more about socializing for business and watch your popularity soar. Join in the conversation, add your two cents, build a network of friends and eventually you will attract business to your product, service, or opportunity.

Bookmarking sites such as Digg, Stumbleupon, and Technorati, are a super way of getting your site visible and improving your inbound links. These sites have a viral effect. Here’s what happens. You bookmark your favorite sites and share those bookmarks with other members. You can also “tag” your bookmarks with keywords, which provides an easy way for other users to find your content.

Hopefully you learned more than one attraction marketing strategy that you can implement into your business plan.


writer by J. P. Rouse

The Psychology of Attraction


On why the psychology of attraction is a social, evolutionary, physical, biological and personal process as well…

The psychology of attraction is a very intriguing topic effectively determining the laws of courtship, the rules of getting drawn to certain people, the basis of friendships and also the success of relationships. Attraction is a social, biological and evolutionary process. We are attracted to certain people due to social reasons as we may be able to establish social rapport with such individuals. When there is a reinforcement of positive social responses between certain individuals with repeated interaction, feelings of liking and lust, attraction may develop along with a sense of being comfortable with each other developing a sense of familiarity. However just as a sense of familiarity gives rise to attraction, in some cases strangeness or the urge to know someone can also lead to attraction.

Thus as far as social dimensions of attraction are concerned there are two exactly opposite reasons for which one may get attracted to another person. One of these is a sense of familiarity or feeling comfortable with the other person and the other is a feeling of mystery or strangeness that can draw us to other people and both these social reasons are equally powerful in the psychology of attraction. Attraction however happens across physical and personal dimensions as well and we get attracted to people physically again for two reasons – either because the other person looks similar to us or our family members again bringing in a sense of familiarity or because the other person looks completely different, exactly opposite to how we look and this difference attracts us. Thus if you are a woman with very feminine features, you might get attracted to men who also have soft features or to men who have extremely rough masculine facial features and body structure.

In most cases however couples end up dating someone who look similar or have similar levels of attractiveness or simply resemble family members so there is a sense of comfort or familiarity when dating the other person. This could have a narcissistic explanation as we all love ourselves first and can thus only fall in love with people who look similar. The similarity can also be on personal dimensions of taste and likings, of preferences, of race and religions and of similar social backgrounds. However sometimes a person of completely different taste, religion or background can intrigue us and let’s say these two different approaches to attraction can work equally in some people although in some others one would dominate the other. This suggests that some people are attracted to similar people and dissimilar people equally whereas some others are attracted only to similar ones. Although very few individuals get attracted to completely dissimilar people and these people would be seekers of novelty. In some cases if you are a highly artistic individual and kind of a dreamer, you might get attracted to someone more practical and if you are high strung, you would like someone calm and controlled. Although a reflection of your own self in the other is again attractive so despite differences some similar traits between individuals can lead to higher levels of attraction. It is that unconsciously we are attracted to individuals ‘who are like us but not exactly similar and who are opposite to us but not exactly opposite’. When two individuals are too similar or too different the attraction may die out as soon as it happened and does not bring about lasting relationships.

There are evolutionary reasons for which one person is considered more attractive than others and the traditional explanation is that usually men are considered attractive when they have power, wealth and social status and women are judged on the basis of their looks which represent fertility. This is because she is the one who gives birth to the progeny and he is the one who provides for them. However with changes in social structure and men and women taking up similar roles, in future women and men could be equally judged in terms of looks, youth, fertility and/or social status, success, wealth etc.

Younger women may get attracted to older men and vice versa as also older women get attracted to younger men and vice versa and this can be explained with the Oedipus and Electra complex in Freudian and Jungian psychoanalysis that explains why young men can fall in love with mother figures and young women idolize father figures. Men who are extremely attached to their mothers, may show dependence towards mature females and harbor some sort of fascination for married women in some cases. Women who have faced molestation or abuse at a younger age from male members may develop intense attraction or repulsion for similar men at a later stage in life. In some cases young men and women can develop an attraction for people who are similar to celebrities/ famous people of their choice. Sometimes these are not so constructive forms of attraction and may not lead to real love or lasting relationships. So these are best psychoanalyzed and understood so that such feelings of lust could be best channeled towards other directions.

The laws of attraction can have similar explanations in case of homosexuality, heterosexuality or bisexuality. A homosexual usually looks for similarity in the other partner because homosexuality is largely based on narcissism. A bisexual will get attracted to both similar and dissimilar individuals. Strange that it may sound, repulsion can also lead to attraction because the opposite is intriguing as well so if a person develops strong hatred or repulsion for another person of the same or opposite sex, a sexual attraction can precede or follow in some cases. This will however have more to do with complex emotions of love and hate which will require a separate discussion.

Finally how do we understand or express our attraction? This of course is the science of dating and courtship which is discussed by all dating gurus and agony aunts. However expressing attraction is a complex process although this is very important and can actually lead to the breaking or making of a relationship. In most cases, men express their attraction towards a woman more aggressively and yet indirectly by focusing on himself – he might try to show off his car or brag about his qualifications and status. Men tend to ‘internalize’, it’s always ‘me’ or the ‘I’ factor that comes first. When a man says, ‘Look I have no time, I have meetings to attend’, he is only trying to suggest, ‘Hey, I’m a big guy, I’m worth dating’. Most women will consider this sort of boasting as immature but women have their own way of suggesting that they are attracted. Usually women tend to ‘externalize’ and a woman doesn’t try to point out to herself but uses her dress, her style, her external appearance and sometimes flirtatious gestures directed to the man to show that she is attracted, women are sometimes more direct and obvious in their admiration. Men might scratch their head to understand why women use so much make-up or dress to impress and show off their bodies. This is because women use these tools when they are attracted. She will rather say, ‘I am free tomorrow night’ suggesting ‘Hey, I want to meet up with you’. Of course there are other traditional signs of the lover’s gaze, blushing, smiling or laughing too hard, spilling drinks or messing up, nervousness, discomfort, restlessness that all suggest signs of attraction. Usually these signs of attraction are rather unconsciously expressed suggesting changes in the brain when we are attracted. Love is explained by the physiochemical changes in our body and attraction being the first stage, some related changes also occur with enhanced hormonal activity. Attraction is thus largely a biological and psychological process expressed socially considering evolutionary perspectives and is based completely on physical and personal similarities and/or dissimilarities. The psychology of attraction can be used to understand whom we can potentially get attracted to and why and what we should do or not do (!) about it.


Signs of Attraction – Body Language – Signs of Love and Attraction


As I was searching for love, I had great fun learning some basics of body language in relation to physical attraction. It was fun to be near someone I found attractive and see if he reciprocated what I felt. It was a helpful tool during the very first meetings and during the initial dates!

Attraction signs of the body:

– Especially if sitting, his/her foot is likely to be pointing towards you

– Or their legs will be crossed TOWARDS you

– They will turn towards you or at least have the trunk of their body face towards you (so they may turn towards you in a way that their trunk is at least facing you)

– They will come very close to you if they can (this will of course also depend on their culture, the circumstance etc)

– If you two are on ‘speaking terms’, during your exchanges he/she will touch you, even if in a seemingly casual way (but of course there are people who touch you no matter what, so you need to verify by checking other attractions signs)

– His/her head may be tilted

– They will touch their face during conversation

– Their lips may be slightly parted

– They will exhibit grooming behaviours such as adjusting their clothes, checking their face (or parts of), adjust their hair, etc)

– They may touch their face, often near the eyes whilst talking to you or looking at you.

Moreover: a man will sit in front of you and acquire a straighter, more ‘squared’ posture in order to ‘show off’ his shoulders and chest as well as displaying (subconsciously) his sexual areas; he may also sit or stand with his legs apart and his head held high and, at times, roll up their sleeves (all subconscious showing-off gestures)

a woman will stroke her hair or/and touch/stroke her neck in your presence, or whilst looking at your or whilst you two are talking; she may also thrust our her breasts in your presence.

Attraction signs of the eyes:

– They will look at your eyes, then will look at another part of your face, sometimes from eye to eye to mouth, other times along your hair; it’s a form of ‘caressing your face’ with their eyes – They may look at you and then look away, often looking back at your raising their eyes/eyebrows – They may just raise their eyebrows – Their pupils will be more dilated than they would normally in that particular environment/light, so if you can check others’ pupils in the same room/area for comparison. – Their eyes may be watery

Mirroring your movements or gestures is also a sign of attraction. Similarly, if you wish to make someone feel at ease, you could mirror his/her movements. In order to determine physical attractions, you don’t have to notice all of the above signs, because it obviously also depends on the circumstances (where you are at that time, for example). But if you notice many of the above signs, he/she is attracted to you! Congratulations!

However, remember that some ‘players’ may be using the body language to manipulate you. This is why, if you are searching for love and nothing less, you must learn to determine, as you two date, if he/she genuinely cares for you and your well being. Love and physical attractions are not the same thing!

So, you need to learn to discern the SIGNS THAT HE LOVES YOU as well as, if you are a man, the SIGNS THAT SHE LOVES YOU; That way your heart will not be broken.


Interpreting Body Language Attraction Signals and Gestures of the Opposite Sex


Did you know that the body language of both males and females will change dramatically when in the presence of the opposite sex. For instance, a man will automatically straighten up his body, stand a little taller, and avoiding all those common slumping or slouching postures.

When a man is in the company of a woman he’s interested in, he will try his best to appear more dominant by pulling in his stomach and expanding his chest out.

Let’s say coincidentally the woman he likes here shares the same interest and is taking a fancy to this man, she will also automatically display herself being submissive by gestures like turning and exposing her wrists, tilting her head a bit, and touching her hair.

The interesting thing is the gestures of this man and woman were delivered subconsciously on an automatic response mode. Well, there are of course those intended and coordinated attraction and flirting gestures that were made consciously.

What Type of Attraction Gestures Men Use

Men basically do not have a large inventory of attraction and flirting gestures compared to women. When a man is interested in a woman, he will just focus his gestures to display his masculinity and the macho-man image.

His gestures normally will begin with patting his hair into place, smooth and straighten his clothes, adjust his tie if he is wearing one, and often thrust his chin forward. At the same time, he will extend out his chest, straighten his back, and draw in his stomach as mentioned earlier on.

A man normally will display his masculinity and dominance by tucking his thumbs into his belt, and pointing them at his crotch. This is in fact a very common sight of men using gestures to emphasize on his manhood.

What Type of Attraction Gestures Women Use

On the contrary, when a woman is interested in a guy, she will blast out tons of signs and signals to notify him of her feelings. Unfortunately on the down side here is that many men are totally oblivious to these signs and signals. Making things worse, women sometimes unintentionally send out mixed signals when trying to manipulate the men into displaying their feelings for her. Very often this will end up with the men confused and resulting with them avoiding and not approaching her.

In a room, when a woman finds the man she is attracted to, she will normally gaze at him until she seizes his attention and thus forming the first visual contact. She will then hold on to this eye contact for two to three seconds before looking elsewhere. Subsequently, she will further display other gestures to express her interest in this particular guy.

One of the gestures most commonly used by a woman around a man she is attracted to is the hair flicking gesture. What happens here is that the woman will flick her hair away from a face or over her shoulder in a sensual way. Surprisingly, this gesture is also performed by many women with short hair.

When a woman slowly and suggestively caress her neck or thigh, she is implying to the man that he might be able to touch her in these ways too if he can captivate and mesmerize her to her delight. This is the self stroking gesture which is frequently used by women.

Another gesture to watch out for is the droopy wrist gesture. This gesture is often used for the maximum effect when fondling a cylindrical item. Women like to use this gesture to make a guy feel that he could have full control of her. This droopy wrist gesture is perceived by many men as a submission signal.

A similar seductive gesture used by women to draw in the man will be the neck baring gesture. This is another submissive gesture seen by men in the same way as the droopy wrist gesture. As how it is suggested here, the woman will bare her neck to the man by tilting her head to one side of her shoulder.

Is He/She Already Seeing Someone Else?

When a person sees someone they are interested in, most often the reason that is stopping them from walking over to that person to chat up is the thought that maybe this particular person is not single and already seeing someone else. Hence, bringing forth the notion of maybe that someone else is around there, or might be arriving soon.

Picture this scenario at a bar, a beautiful lady is attracted to this charming and good looking guy within a group of people standing across the room. She then uses the gazing technique to establish eye contact indicating she is interested in him.

The guy seemed to be a bit oblivious to her signals, or maybe he’s just a little bit on the shy side. So the lady decides maybe instead she should go over there and give this shy guy the opportunity to strike up a conversation with her. As she was about to move, a lovely lady joined the group and is now standing next to the charming guy. Apparently this lovely lady seems to be from that same group too, and she appears to be quite close to that guy.

Now the question “Are they a couple?” pops up in this beautiful lady’s mind. She’s contemplating whether should she just stay put where she is, or still proceed to go over there? Most often and most likely, just to play it safe, the decision will be to stay where she is to avoid any awkward or embarrassing situation.

My Own Intimate Zone

Not only it’s natural, but also a proven scientific fact that how much closer two people sit, stand, or lie next to each other, is very much akin to how close and intimate they are emotionally to each other.

Each and every person has got their own intimate zone. The size of this zone may vary a little bit from one person to another person but only at a minimal rate. It begins with the body itself, extending as far as one and a half feet/half a meter from it. To that person, everything within this intimate zone “belongs” to them, or considered as “theirs”.

Parents, siblings, spouses, lovers, children, close relatives and very close friends will normally stand within 18 inches/50 centimeters of each other. Like them, only those who are considered as emotionally close to us may be allowed to break through this space barrier and enter the intimate zone. Any uninvited stranger that enters this zone will be look upon as an act of intimidation and hostility, prompting the person to move away from the intruder immediately.

This is perhaps the main reason why people will stay for years with the same doctor, or dentist, even traveling miles to get there, rather than subject themselves to the stress of allowing a stranger into their intimate zone.

High Touch Properties

Generally people will touch things, or lean against something that they feel is theirs. They do this in many different ways using fingers, arms, feet, and even buttocks. For instance, a person will sometimes lean on the walls with their back and shoulder, or lean on the tables with their buttocks when they are at their own home. However, you will not be able to witness these behaviors if they are in the homes of people they are unfamiliar with.

The same rules apply here with couples holding hands, brushing each other’s arms as they walk, or tidying and adjusting each other’s clothes. One of the most common signals that you will always notice everywhere will be the way women demonstrates ownership to her man by placing her palm flat on his chest. The same kind of display can also be seen here when a man places his hand on the waist or back of his partner.

Beauty, They Say, Is In The Eye of The Beholder

There is a great difference between what is attractive to men and women, which are believed to be originated from our prehistoric ancestors of hunters (male) and food gatherers (female).

Women in general tends to be attracted to men who are powerful, assertive and independent, the qualities which highly suggest the person as a capable provider and a reliable father for their children. On the other hand, what men find attractive in women is usually based more on their visually attractive exterior.

In both cases, as men or women, by emphasizing on these qualities, we would always hope to make ourselves more attractive (beauty or personality) to the opposite sex and have a wider selection of possible mates to chose from.

While interest in others is demonstrated by body language, we should never use it to manipulate others. Truly attractive people are those who see themselves as who they really are, and always believing in themselves.


writer by Brandon Lindall

Pheromones and Attraction


We all have a natural scent which plays a big part when it comes to our attraction to the opposite sex, known as pheromone, these are masses of biological chemicals that are released through human saliva, sweat, and tears. Many believe these pheromones are responsible for our attraction to the opposite sex and our search for a mating partner. These aromas that we release convey signals relating to mood, status, drive and health in the subconscious awareness of the opposite sex.

In the animal kingdom the dominant male will exude more of these biological attractants than his more submissive counterpart, so subsequently he attracts more females and enjoys more conquests as a result. These pheromones can be detected over great distances and replace verbal communications in some instances. This is particularly noticeable in animals who often identify potential partners by smell, with a male dog having the ability to identify a bitch in heat over a distance of a mile or more. However, is there really a similar effect between humans when it comes to pheromones and attraction or is there an alternative explanation?

Unfortunately there is little to prove this either way but many studies do suggest it is entirely possible. As most of us are oblivious to the natural scents we emanate, it has been suggested that we need to look more at our capacity to sense them in others. Sweat may be one of the least attractive body odours, but studies have considered that this is what the opposite sex responds to subconsciously while others advocate that perfume with artificially produced pheromones in it, will attract more attention from the opposite sex for the wearer.

This may not seem quite such a turn on but many are equally skeptical these manufactured perfumes and colognes supposedly designed to produce the same effects. While human sweat may not be your aroma of choice, it really does play an important role when linking pheromones and attraction. Men unknowingly secrete a hormone called Androstenone which attracts women but only release this when they sweat. Body odours may seem an unpleasant way to attract mates but most of us clog and mask the pores secreting the scent when we apply deodorant. On the other hand, we may still recognise these natural scents even though we do not appear to detect them on a conscious level.


Law of Attraction – The Biggest Attraction Killer


When it comes to applying the law of attraction everyone faces this major attraction killer. What is the number one attraction killer you may ask? Fear is the biggest hindrance in successfully practicing the law of attraction. Fear comes in a number ways. Fear can also cripple you mentally and also prevent you from taking necessary action. No matter what your fears may be the moment you are able to identify them the easier it is to tackle and then heal them.

Here are 3 of the Most Common Fears Which Hold People Back

The Not Good Enough Factor

Have you ever limited yourself because you thought you were not good enough for what you want to attract? It is not unusual for a person to dismiss bringing something into their life because they thoughts that they did not deserve to have it. Although they understand the law of attraction does not create boundaries or limits they continue to limit their dreams.

My Goal is too Big

Another thing which limits success with the law of attraction is the fear that your goals may be too grand and too out of your reach. Similarly to the belief or the feelings of not being deserving you may also struggle with the feeling that a goal is too big. There is no difference in using the law of attraction to attract something big verses something which seems small.

Will it Come?

fear of failure can prevent you from taking action or even dreaming up something new in your life. The thing is you have failed before you ever begin if you allow fear to hold you back. Further more if you understand the law of attraction will you won’t spent time focusing on doubt instead you will boldly take action towards your desires without any limit what so ever.


writer by Chrisanthia Pierre

Sexual Attraction


Sexual attraction is a natural instinct and a momentary impulse. Sexual attraction is an intrinsic compelling reaction between man and woman. It is invariably love at first sight which is natural that quickly culminates in intense love. Men and women who fall in blind love ignore virtues of each other’s concerns. Physical attraction between men and women for sex is quite natural. Love changes to hatred if mutual compatibility becomes weak. Woman knows how to satisfy man’s sexual cravings. Man knows how to seduce woman.

Men and women find excuses to have a physical contact such as sitting together in a cinema hall, travelling in a bus, train or plane. They start with a casual introduction with each other and dwell into some interesting talk. This is the beginning of creating a long lasting emotional bond between them to establish a permanent relationship. Love does not mean sex acts only but differ in judging each other. For example – woman is eager to have a caring husband who is a prominent, well to do gentleman, and robust in health.

Women want basic requirements to bring up their children. Men prefer strikingly beautiful, fashionable, social, loving wife, but hate flirting with other men. Sometimes men also secretly flirt with their secretaries or girl friends. Sexual attraction generates sexual impulses. Natural changes happen growing from childhood, adolescence, and to adulthood. Their sexual feelings develop and change accordingly. Sexual feelings are felt when teens attain puberty.

During puberty period, radical changes happen both in the body and the mind. Teens begin to feel intense sexual impulses. Women are the business source of entertainment in sex clubs. Lots of irresponsible sex hungry men, women and teens flock the sex clubs, drink a lot, dance around the hall, and quietly sneak into private closets for intensely enjoying sex. Police make surprise raids in these sex clubs to arrest them. They are then pushed into lockups and kept there for 24 hours.

Culprits are released subject to severe warnings. Sexual violence, molestation of women and teens is a criminal offence. Lack of sex education is prime reason for sex intrusion. This is animal culture. These atrocities happen in all countries. Excessive drinking of liquor is one prime reason that tempts men to forcibly molest girls even at the street corners, buses, trains. Mischief mongers also indulge in illegal cruelty inflicted by sexual assaults.

As per Adam and Eve story, God created beautiful Eden Gardens with wonderful surroundings, flowers and animals roaming around. God created Adam, the first man. God later created the first woman Eve to be Adam’s wife to take care of lonely Adam. God created a house for them. A pleasant environment was created, but God warned Adam and Eve not to step into the gardens under any circumstances. God proclaimed that the tree gives knowledge of good and evil.

God warned them that they will die the day they eat its fruit. As days passed by, Eve felt an irresistible impulse to get into the garden, pluck an apple to eat it. Both ate it. God was angry that Adam and Eve had disobeyed him. He ordered them to leave the Eden Gardens forever. God commanded Adam and Eve to immediately start living on their own, cultivating the soil, grow food, and make clothes to wear. God said “nothing will come easily for you, you will work hard for your existence, and not even childbirth, and one day, you will die.”

We, the progressive descendants of Adam and Eve, have to experience the values of good and implications of evil. Sexual assault is a nasty evil. There are lots of other evils. There is preponderance of evils.

We shall never again have God created Eden Gardens on our Planet Earth! This is the Gospel Truth.

20th April 2010


How to Create Attraction With Women


Being able to create attraction with a girl is something that you have to learn how to do to truly be really successful with women. Just knowing how to create an attraction with girls is a skill that any man should have. If you cannot go out there and try to approach a girl, to see what works to create an attraction with her, you are going to struggle for a long time. So, how can you create good attraction with girls fast?


Attraction is an emotion, which makes it generally out of our conscious control. Attraction can happen very fast when you are quick to spot certain clues, her body language and adapt your own to fit her style. Attraction is not something that is logical or chosen, it is a reaction or feeling to another person. Attraction is about making someone feel comfortable and good in your presence.

Create Attraction

Without the knowledge to create good attraction, you are not going to have much success with girls that you want. It’s your job to create a sense of comfort while being playful. Most men seem to stutter and spit out their words and they are not sure how to act around women. To create attraction you need to have her hanging on your every word. To create that attraction in a woman that happens quickly, you have to have control over your speech and your body language. You can control the level of chemistry and attraction to a certain degree if you can control yourself and carry yourself well.


An important factor you must understand is that women are emotional creatures. You have probably heard that before. Emotional connection with a girl is derived from a combination of comedy, teasing, improvisation and other things. All connected into a unconscious feeling that creates instant attraction with women. The attraction that a girl feels for you is her emotional feelings of who you are and how you make her feel. If I had to explain how to create attraction in one sentence, it would be: Get her to connect with you on an emotional level. When you create attraction, you increase curiosity and desire.

For a lot of men being able to create attraction with girls is like learning a foreign language. A guy who can create attraction with an attractive girl is going to be able to go beyond the friend zone with her. If you can do this, then you will be able to easily create sexual tension which is required if you want her to see you as a man that she should date and not just be friends with. Any man can learn how to create attraction with women, for every pot there is a lid that fits.


writer by William Coulter