Attraction Marketing Strategy


Have you ever wondered how to get people to buy products or services using an attraction marketing strategy from your blog or website? E-goods marketing strategy is what people are seeking out. Unless you are a super affiliate the chances are found this article because you need and want more information, guidance, or advice with your internet marketing strategy and e-goods product strategy.

How is an internet marketing strategy any different than any offline marketing plans? Well they’re really quite similar. Sure you want to be found by the search engines and know how to use keywords, but if thats your only internet marketing strategy you are surely headed for failure! What you need in order to be successful online is a solid e-goods product strategy. Your in luck. What you need to learn can be found right here.

Incidentally, your success is greatly improved when you first learn affiliate marketing and start to promote other peoples products on your blog or website.

The ultimate goal, although not totally necessary, is to have your own product to sell, but first you need to learn about affiliate marketing. A lot of people are content at internet marketing solely as an affiliate and there are some advantages to this. They don’t have to worry about shipping, packaging, customer service, returns, etc. Their primary goal is to presell the product, make the sale for a commission, and in turn; earn a decent income from affiliate marketing.


This is a great attraction marketing strategy that should not be overlooked. Blogs are basically online journals or groups of pages within a massive website that are updated often by its author. Search engines love blogs because they are full of new content.

When those search engine spiders visit your blog they eat up the fresh content and report it back to the “mother ship”. Authors love blogs because, well; the search engine spiders visit often because of the new content and rank them well. As long as your blog is created well focusing on keywords and keyword phrases related to your content your blog will rank highly.

Blogs give you the ability to post product reviews, announcements, articles (preferably your own), newsletters, and links to other sites or other pages within your blog. Due to the popularity of blogs it is a natural way to attract targeted visitors who are more apt to read your blog as opposed to sending the same information by means of e-mail marketing. However, don’t underestimate the power of e-mail marketing in your attraction marketing strategy. The money is in the list.

I saved the best part for last. How do you make money on a blog? There are several ways of doing this. You can run small ads in the sidebar related to your blogs theme or in the footer of your blog. You can also add text links from affiliate partners within your posts and earn an affiliate commission when the links are clicked and a purchase is made. Just be sure to let it flow naturally within the text. Blogs are without a doubt the simplest, easiest, and most cost effective way to start an internet marketing business.

E-zine Article Publishing

This is my favorite attraction marketing strategy that accomplishes two goals at once. Submitting articles to article directories should be a requirement for any internet network marketer and if you are not utilizing this free tool you better start today. So whats the big deal with article marketing. Well first of all they have a great page rank and give you inbound links. Simply adding your blog or website to the resource box could significantly improve traffic and it also raises your link popularity.

Heres how it works. Write an article that is informative, offers tips, tricks, makes peoples lives easier, solves a problem, you get the picture right? This is the give in article marketing. Give away free information that is of value. The resource box is the take. Your article will be listed in the directory under the heading of the topic that you choose.

The added bonuses are as long as the article is keyword focused it gets listed highly in the search engines. Most article directories will explain how to improve your rankings when submitting your articles and you must read this. The other bonus is webmasters can copy a code and use your article on their blogs. So not only is your article in the directory and the search results it may also be on several different blog sites. It is forbidden for webmasters to alter the code so your site gets the credit at the end of the article.

Ezine article directories do have strict guidelines so be sure to read the Terms Of Service. In general you can’t link to a lead capture page in your article or in your resource box. You can link back to your website or blog just don’t make it a lead capture page.

Offline Advertising Marketing Strategies

Marketing off line is often an overlooked attraction marketing strategy. The internet is a much more viable and cost effective means of promoting your website, blog, product, or service but it is definitely worth mentioning here. Running ads in the local newspaper, printing business cards, bumper stickers, coffee cups, tee shirts, magnets, and other gadgets are all good promotional strategies for your internet business. Of course it is more localized and requires an investment but you may be surprised by the results. Direct mail is another marketing strategy that works well and if you really want to go to town television and radio. Be careful though, offline advertising can get expensive and its hard to track your return on investment.

Social Networking And Bookmarking Sites

If you haven’t started using social networking for business as an attraction marketing strategy you are missing the boat. Social networks have become the hottest venue for improving traffic to your site or your blog. In order to be found you need to be where the people are and this is where they are. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Myspace are hot. Fair warning though, there is a right way and a wrong way to use these networks. Keep in mind that these are social networks not advertising sites so be social. Learn more about socializing for business and watch your popularity soar. Join in the conversation, add your two cents, build a network of friends and eventually you will attract business to your product, service, or opportunity.

Bookmarking sites such as Digg, Stumbleupon, and Technorati, are a super way of getting your site visible and improving your inbound links. These sites have a viral effect. Here’s what happens. You bookmark your favorite sites and share those bookmarks with other members. You can also “tag” your bookmarks with keywords, which provides an easy way for other users to find your content.

Hopefully you learned more than one attraction marketing strategy that you can implement into your business plan.


writer by J. P. Rouse

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